Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Embroidery - Digitizing for Specialty Items

Late in the year is always the time for working on specialty items what with the holidays coming and fall in the air. For football season we have stadium blankets and heavier coats, school items such as backpacks and special uniforms and everything Christmas including stockings, home items and gifts.

When digitizing or embroidering these items, remember to take the time to review what you'd need to do the job, in your head. High pile items such as fleece and fur need more underlay and special toppings to get the job done and look polished. Have plenty of the correct backings on hand. You may need to digitize several versions of the same logo for optimal sewing on different fabrics.

When embroidering school team items, make sure the school has approved the design and thread colors beforehand so there's no issue later. Kids love having their names on items but be sure to mention to your customer that maybe their initials are a better choice for safety reasons.

Home design items are a big player in the holiday season. Gifts of embroidered towels or kitchen items are a one of a kind gift that show your thoughtfulness. Unique designs and placements are all the rage and you are only limited by your imagination! Monograms can add a touch of elegance to linens and bath items and make perfect gifts.

What specialty item services do you offer in your shop?


Embroidery Digitizing Services said...

Brilliant amazing to me,the information the prestige and all that about embroidery services.

Embroidery Digitizing said...

Embroidery can be classified according to whether the design is stitched on top of or through the foundation fabric, and by the relationship of stitch placement to the fabric.