A few months
ago, a promotional sales customer of mine (We’ll call her Sally) sent over a
design to digitize for her customer for an event they were having. If you’re in
the industry, you know the minute they say the word “event”, you have a rock
solid deadline.
Artwork was
sent over and discussed and digitizing began since we had limited time. The design involved a main event logo and two
sponsor logos and pricing had been quoted for such.

We had less
than a week to complete the digitizing, get approval, send the stitch file to
the embroiderer and complete the production. The problem was, Sally’s customer
kept changing the design; major graphic changes. Every time the design was completed,
it was sent for approval and came back with new art and changes. Sometimes
there would be two or three in a day. On the third day there was another issue with
one of the sponsors and they had been replaced so we had to add another design
into the fray. Each time a change was made, the stitch count would go up (of
course) and consequently the price of not only the digitizing but the
production estimate the embroiderer had given them….and the clock was ticking!
Now, we were
happy to make the changes but the customer was unhappy that editing fees were
incurred and the embroiderer no longer wanted to stick with the quote they had
given them for production…..understandable.
Sally just said, “Hey, that’s what they said they wanted.” But she never
took the time in the beginning to explain the process and that changing the
original art causes delays and editing fees. She didn’t even ask if this was
the final art before starting the digitizing. Sally’s customer just figured they’d
pay for whatever final design they ended up with and they expected the
embroiderer to stick with the quote they were given regardless of the changes
and final stitch count.

Had Sally
explained the process to her customer better, we could have avoided the confusion,
had no surprises and actually been more efficient getting her customer what
they wanted. Things worked out in the end, we comped some edits and Sally paid
for some also. We also worked to get the stitch count down on the design as
much as possible so the production wasn’t too high and working with the
embroiderer, we hit their event date. The customer was thrilled with their
shirts. All was successful.
It’s our job
as professionals to make the customer happy and we do it every day. But communication is essential to making
things go smoothly. Spend some time educating
your customer about the process so they’re not surprised by the costs of their
embroidery. If they’re still in the planning stages, explain to them that
making major graphic changes to the design after digitizing only makes their
costs go up. Changes they are making to the art need to happen at the graphic
stage before digitizing.
After all,
if you educate your customer, their order goes smoother, they understand what
to expect and they’ll likely return because you made it work!
Of course,
sometimes these things happen and can’t be helped. This is why a relationship
with a good digitizing firm makes all the difference. Someone who is readily
available to you and can roll with the changes so you can still meet your
deadline. NeedleUp Digitizing is that company.
It should
also be noted that like most good digitizers, NeedleUp includes small edits and
changes in the design process. Things like trims, color breaks, small text
& coding changes and adjustments for sew-ability are all part of getting
the customer a design they will love.