Hats are a very popular item to embroider but a stinker on
the production: Not all designs are created equal when the customer decides
they want hats. For a little while now, I’ve seen more of a trend towards
different placements that I want to address.

You’ll need a simpler design with minimal or no text to fit
those spots effectively. Font style and
size are very important, not too fancy and not too small. Even ¼” text, which is normally considered
minimum for flats, is too small for hats without a fill of some kind for
support underneath it. Of course, there’s a gray area depending on the brand
and fabric of the hats as usual.
While I understand the appeal of doing an alternate
placement to make the hat different than the mainstream, you must understand
the limitations of embroidery and your customer’s logo and be able to explain
it to them and come up with an option that works for both of you.
Know your hat frame and sewing fields/available area so that
you have that information for the digitizer.
That way, the design can be created at the correct size and without
secondary editing and resizing to get it to fit. Educate your customer to be flexible and
realistic about what will fit the area to be embroidered. Know that the same issues with registration
on hats still exist and be mindful that you are sewing up and away from the
center seam whether you will be crossing the seam or not. This means that the design is not interchangeable
should the customer change their mind and decide to sew it center front after
**For more
information on NeedleUp’s digitizing services, visit our website at http://www.needleup.com or contact Donna Lehmann by
email: donna@needleup.com