Sunday, February 4, 2007

Customer service in the embroidery industry, PT 2

So...have you noticed? The lack of customer service at the "front counter" in today's business is appalling. A recent conversation with a friend talking about the same topic made me think about the problem and how things used to be. Now I'm probably dating myself but picture this: pull into a gas station and not 1 but 2 guys run out to help you, pumping your gas and washing your windows. An usher at the movie theatre actually seats you. You pick up the phone and an operator places your call for extra charge. Or, you are shopping for clothes and you have a sales person helping you pick out colors and bringing you sizes. No, this isn't an alien civilization.....this is the way it used to be.

We're not too far from a place where the grocery registers will all be self scan. (Of course, they say it keeps the prices down but everything's more expensive than its ever been.) And there's my personal favorite, the banks....less personal attention, less service, less live people behind the counter, and more charges for everything you can imagine, to use YOUR OWN money.

Have you ever called a business and no matter when you call or how many times, a live person never answers the phone....ever? It's irritating, especially when their push button choices don't include the reason you're calling or an option to talk to a representative of the company. Or worse, there's nothing but a voice mail system for you to leave a message that goes, apparently, into oblivion never to be returned.

The GOOD news: With nothing more than a little effort, you can stand out in your crowd by focusing on the face forward your customers don't see anymore. And the best part is it doesn't cost anything but the benefits will be immense!! The customer may not usually say anything, but believe me, they notice and every once in a while, you'll get a comment that lets you know your effort isn't wasted. Go out of your way a little, jot a thank you note and include it inside the box of your customers next order. Give them a call a week later just to see how they liked the service or how the order went.

Look, we both know that we have these crazy days when everything is behind the eight ball and nothings going smooth. I promise, if you take an extra breath when the phone rings and put on a smile before you pick up the receiver, your company image will be the better for it.

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